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She’s Mercedes

Since 2015, Mercedes‑Benz has been engaging in an intensive dialogue with women around the world through the global “She's Mercedes”…

Noul BMW Seria 1

"UN ASPECT ÎNDRĂZNEȚ PENTRU O IMPRESIE DE DURATĂ. Noul BMW Seria 1 combină o dinamică de condus captivantă și un…

This is a moment!

This is a moment! #adrianfeketefilms #filmmakersworld #videomaking #videoproduction #commercialshooting #filmmaker #contetnrcreator #videography

Unviel Your Style!

Caravana Unviel Your Style! "La sfârșitul lunii mai am avut onoarea de a oferi doamnelor posibilitatea de a experimenta plăcerea…

Your goals are my goals!

Your goals are my goals! Flavius Horvat - Personal Trainer "Haide cu mine într-o aventură electrizantă de 90 de secunde:…

MERCEDES BENZ Showroom Grand Opening

MERCEDES BENZ Showroom Grand Opening "La finalul lunii ianuarie am inaugurat noul showroom ALIAT Mercedes-Benz din Tîrgu-Mureș cu un eveniment…

Apple Watch Ultra Commercial

TMS Productions 2023 Editing Challenge Apple Watch Ultra Commercial Edit/Color/Sound - Adrian Fekete IMG - TMS Productions #tmsedit2023 #adrianfeketefilm #filmmaking…

Protein Bar AD

Pronutrition Bar Protein Bar "Pronutrition Bar 35% Protein este batonul proteic ideal, cu o concentrație impresionantă de 35% proteină, pentru…

EQ Road Show

Mercedes EQ road show. A sensory experience! #AliatAutoExcelenta #AliatMercedesBenz #mercedesbenz #adrianfeketefilms #mercedesamg

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